40 years today!! Days: 14,610

Letter to self from self;

Thank you for choosing to heal. Thank you for choosing recovery. You didn’t know what this journey would look like but 40 years ago you “jumped all in”. You decide to come “home” out of the darkness and the wilderness of isolation and despair. Did you know you would need to be willing, over and over again, to be “here” with no more numbing? That you would need to let go of what you believed and open to what you couldn’t imagine? You would call on your courage, discipline, curiosity and willingness to keep drawing yourself back to you for connection not separation and division. That you would lay down your sword and halt the raging war against yourself. You are resilient. Thank you for never giving up and leaving me behind. Thank you for deciding to notice the minds chatter but not believing it’s stories and lies. Because of who you are, choosing love is easy even in your times of deep fear. Try not to forget that you have your own back. That honesty is your door to freedom even if others try to shame you for speaking your truth. They may be lost, disconnected from themselves, searching frantically through outside measures. I honor your courage. Remember that you are spirit in your progressing body. Your spirit that holds wisdom from your many journeys that also walks along side of your fellow human beings. You know the joy of “seeing” another in the space that honors their soul. Thank you finally for loving, showing up by your continual practice of presence. Happy 40 years in recovery. It’s been a wonderful ride together. I adore you! Thank you, sweet one, for choosing life.