Recovery Coach
Addiction Counselor
Harm Reductionist
Evidence Based Coach
Mentor Coach
“Everyone is born complete and whole. Often they walk away from themselves for any number of reasons. My job is to help them find their way home, tracking their way back to wholeness and abundance.
One of my greatest honors as a coach has been to watch my clients clarify their life purpose and leverage their success with our collaborative work. This rich and authentic journey identifies their personal and compelling reasons for change and defines a pathway they can truly champion.
Considering the basic human needs we all have and pulling back the curtain of truth, my clients are able to set goals, stay on track and connect to their deepest potential.”
Carrying credentials through the International Coach Federation and Crossroads Recovery Coaching, and serving on the board of Recovery Coaches International, Elizabeth Coker has expertise working in Crisis Prevention, Addiction Recovery, Abuse Recovery, Business and Executive Consulting, Leadership, Holistic Healing, Strategic Planning, and Public Speaking.
Elizabeth’s distinct skill set makes her one of the most highly effective professional recovery life coaches in the industry. With deep knowledge and insight, she helps clients release old patterns and move into fulfillment and purpose without limitation.
Elizabeth Coker provides a distinct service using Evidence Based Coaching that differs greatly from therapy and/or consulting. It is based on social science evidence of how humans learn and develop over their life. Evidence Based Coaching differs from average coaching as well. Clients are engaged where they are working through a series of specific techniques and developing definitive tools to reach their goal of long term healing and health. It is a reclaiming of the heart. As an Evidence Based Coach, Elizabeth is an Educator of Possibilities.
Evidence Based Coaching is a partnership between coach and client whose foundation is one of trust, confidentiality, creativity, integrity, wisdom and professionalism. The relationship is deeply rich, collaborative, compassionate and validating. Clients can expect to experience fresh perspectives on personal challenges and opportunities, enhanced thinking and decision-making skills, increased interpersonal effectiveness, and strengthened confidence in carrying out their chosen work and life roles.