If it weren’t for Elizabeth Coker’s guidance, I would still be slogging at a job I hated. I am now doing what my true calling has always told me to do and I am so alive, happy and motivated. Please talk to this kind, intelligent and skilled woman to change your life. It will happen, I promise you!
~ Therapist & Published Writer
Elizabeth is one of the most talented professional clinician coaches I have worked with! Her insights, professional experience, training, and capacity to stand in the face of conflict and challenge never ceases to amaze me. As a clinician myself, I have experienced exponential growth and recovery as the direct result of working with Elizabeth on a regular basis. Although I have never sat in her office, I consistently find our coaching sessions uncovering old beliefs, ideas and attitudes which impact my actions and daily life. If you want to grow in ways that will astound yourself, do coaching. If you are wise, you will allow Elizabeth to journey with you to a deeper spiritual/emotional/ physical awakening!
~ Therapist
Elizabeth creates a safe world for her clients and shares potent spiritual medicine to help heal emotional wounds. I am finding the courage to seek new processing channels with the help of Elizabeth’s skillful, insight and intuitive perspective. Through keen observation, Elizabeth helps me to find and follow a new path to happiness by revealing her cache of enlightenment tools!
~ Artist
6 months prior to my 50th birthday, I experienced a mid-life “awakening.” The wind beneath my kite of fun, belief in self, purpose and faith had died out. I did not know how to get my kite off the ground. Until somebody suggested meeting and working with Elizabeth Coker. Now my kite soars. The ability to fly my kite once again came with the help of Elizabeth. Elizabeth guided and encouraged me down a path of unopened doors, doors of hope! Behind those doors were the tools necessary to delve into my authentic self. Sure, my kite takes dips and dives now and then, but I have the tools in place to manage and navigate its flight. Elizabeth has shown me that I can fly and fly high. The ride is lovely and the view – amazing!
~ School Teacher
The day I started talking to Elizabeth is the day my view on my life started to turn around. I was guilty of not valuing myself as much as I should or could. My talks with Elizabeth have not only proved insightful but have helped me grow and accept my past, and sometimes my present, without shame and with a forward momentum. Now I’m a calmer, more joyful person and I think that came from talking with Elizabeth and working on my viewpoint. She helped rekindle my spirit and fight towards being gentle and kind to myself.
~ Executive
I had reached an all time low in my life. Severely depressed, anxious, grieving. I was desperate and searched for help. Elizabeth showed me how to get up each day and to put one foot in front of the other. My despair and anguish were such that it was difficult to take care of myself much less my child. After a while and with Elizabeth’s coaching I began to find my way back to myself. I climbed a mountain. I am not just getting by, but I am enjoying my life. I am present and alive today. I actually have made plans to take my son on a wonderful summer vacation. I could never have done that 6 months ago. I am very grateful for all of her help. I am so fortunate that she made herself available to me. She is a teacher, mentor, listener, and encourager.
~ Nurse
I thought I “had it all together” before working with Elizabeth and if measured by appearances, I did. However, she helped put an end to the lingerings of traumatic childhood experiences. While I didn’t think those experiences so long ago effected me today, she showed me how they did and released me from their bondage. Because of working with Elizabeth, there are now choices where there were none, gentleness and compassion where there once was anger, and an authentic soulful woman where there was only a hollow shell.
~ Small Business Owner
I lead a busy and stressful life as a business professional. Over the years somehow I lost myself in this life and the passion I had as an artist was gone. In my earlier years as an artist, I was truly happy, comfortable in my own skin and it defined me. In my work I earn a decent living but it is only my job; it is not my passion. In recent years, this loss of myself had me feeling unfulfilled and unhappy. However most recently, Elizabeth, as my coach, engaged me with her powerful questions and insight and challenged me to rekindle the artist in me. I have again started to teach my craft, which I so enjoyed, and now again enjoy, doing. With Elizabeth’s guidance, I have learned how to create in my life that which is most important and brings me happiness.
~ IT Executive
I had been in recovery a little over three years attending regular AA meetings when I began to work with Elizabeth. Although I had been sober and treasured my sobriety, I came to a point where I was feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfied with my life. I had so many things to be grateful for but deep down I just wasn’t happy and I couldn’t understand why. On our first meeting, Elizabeth assured me that she believed with absolute certainty I had everything I needed inside of me to live a joyful, fulfilling life and that it wouldn’t take long to get there. After meeting with her for some time, I know now that I do have everything I need. She has given me the tools I can utilize to be able to go within myself, let myself heal, and to be comfortable in my own skin. What a blessing! How freeing it is to not be dependent on approval from others. I know that I’m okay – I always have been! I just needed someone to show me because somewhere along life’s journey I forgot that. Anyone in need of insight, wisdom and loving perspective coming from a caring, safe individual, I would highly recommend Elizabeth. She has helped me so much and I am very grateful!
~ Nurse
I have been to numerous therapist and alike for the past 20 years. I have read countless self help books, joined spiritual movements, religious entities, had multiple hobbies, and whatever I could use to help with depression, anxiety, addiction/ substance abuse. Nothing seemed to work, no one seemed to truly help…Then, a traumatic event in my personal married life left me in unbearable pain, torture and agony. I was at a crossroad until a friend told me about Elizabeth. Working with Elizabeth has simply been a life changing experience! There is no other way to describe it! Elizabeth has not only helped me with the immediate personal issues, and how to properly deal with my unbearable pain and daily agony, but more over, worked to put in a foundation and start a life transformation process like I had never experience before. Her work with me is based on a process with specific methods that ask for a radical shift in my way of thinking – the way I thought about and viewed daily life, and all its events and emotions that arise. I quickly realized that I was working with someone with a special gift, someone with methods that are night and day different from what I had experienced in the past. In fact Elizabeth goes far beyond mere therapy, as her sessions involve active listening, participation, meditation, homework, coaching and personalized daily messages. She is helping me at all levels and facets of my life, addiction, family, marriage, work and radical personal growth. I can never go back to my old life or old way of looking at life. I now notice life just as it comes in the moment, whatever it brings, give it my best shot; and be okay with the outcome, whatever it is, while rediscovering true joy and serenity. Thank you Elizabeth for changing my life.
~ Principle Solution Consultant